Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get Out The Vote!

Stella, Tim, and I got out to vote this afternoon - I'll give you a few clues as to who I voted for today for Governor of NH:
She's a write in candidate, an independent, she is a free-thinker, she doesn't have the money to run negative political ads, and besides, they don't make sense to her in the first place, she was sleeping through the night consistently up until a few weeks ago, and her favorite food is shredded cheese but she can't feed herself yet...
Who is this brilliant woman of the world, you ask?
Stella Grace Carpenter for New Hampshire Governor.

Don't worry - I took my responsibility a little more seriously than that!  But look out New Hampshire, in a few more decades you just might be voting for our spit-fire, Stella...one thing is true, she has more personality in her pinkie finger than any of the candidates on the ballot today!!

Who did I really vote for today?
Only Stella knows, and she ain't talkin'...

1 comment:

  1. my GOODNESS this baby is beautiful.

    and isn't voting fun? oh my, i do love it!

    p.s. this is laura... i had to sign in with my oldold blog for it to let me comment - ha, if you're bored, you can see what sorts of things i thought about my junior year of college! :-D
