Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sweet Stella Grace.

Two things happened today that demonstrated how Stella is gaining an understanding of caring for others.

I was putting her down for her morning nap.  I kissed her cheek twice like I always do before laying her in her crib.  She usually rolls over on her side to watch me leave the room, but today was different.  I saw her roll over, not towards me but rather towards her sheep doll with which she sleeps every day/night.  She lifted her head off the mattress and kissed the sheep on the cheek, then she put her head back down, thumb in her mouth, and drifted off to sleep.  My heart exploded with joy at such a sweet gesture!

This afternoon Tim was watching Stella while I went to a dance recital (woot, woot, Nicky and Lizzie Endyke and Jordana Wyman!).  While I was gone, Stella picked up Caroline's bone...Tim was about to take it away from her when Stella crawled over to Caroline's bed and put the bone right by the dog's mouth.  Caroline was tired and didn't really want the bone, but nonetheless Stella tried again to offer it to her.  I'm just so touched by seeing how an eleven month old is developing a sense of thoughtfulness and caring for others, right before our eyes!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, that is so sweet!! i love it! miss you guys and hope friendly's was good!
