Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thinking Back.

On April 2, last year, I was awakened at 4:45 a.m. by a LONG, five-minutes-long to be exact, contraction.  Having not experienced labor before but having heard a million labor stories and having taken some great childbirth classes I knew that normal contractions didn't last that long (side note:  seriously people, it's okay to tell your labor story, but stop sharing your labor HORROR stories with pregnant women...).  Tim and I went about our day at home, me having sporadic contractions, knowing that it was likely our baby girl would make her appearance a few days early.  Occasionally I'd have one of these mega contractions and by the afternoon we decided it would be good to see my midwife.  I was making a little progress and was told to labor at home until things became more regular and to come in if the long contractions became more frequent...I was also told to eat small, light meals.  We left the office around 4:30 p.m. and I told Tim, "If this is going to be my last meal before the baby I want Papa Gino's Pizza and a Reese's Pieces Sundae from Friendly's."  I dined like a queen and, wouldn't you know it, I was in full-blown labor less than five hours later - only somewhat regretting my decision to eat such a big meal shortly before delivering a baby (like when I threw up around 11 p.m...teehee!).

Giving birth was one of the most empowering, spiritual, primal, wonderful things I've ever done in my life.  Tomorrow is Stella's first birthday - I couldn't be more thankful to have spent this first year side-by-side with my sweet baby.

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