Thursday, September 15, 2011


In light of our hopes to adopt a daughter, I've been thinking a lot about savings lately.  I am asking myself honest questions about how important it is to have saved for the future when there are people, especially children, in this world in the greatest places of need.  I wonder how I can stand before God someday and answer him for the fact that we have saved for a retirement we may never see...when there is a child out there somewhere RIGHT NOW who does not having a mother, a father, food, clothing, shelter, and ultimately love?  I don't know if it will come to us using retirement money to fund adoption, but I welcome the chance to really question our life choices and to answer the questions in light of what the Bible teaches.  What does God think about retirement and saving for tomorrow?  

Give us this day our daily takes on a whole new meaning when you take steps toward adoption.

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