Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Glasses!

How much do I love this girl?

We got Stella a pair of back-up glasses from Walmart in the event that she:
a. Throws her main pair (REALLY HARD) on the pavement the day after getting a replacement (yep, that happened).
b. Scratches the lenses of her main pair a week after getting a replacement (you guessed, it...that happened, too).

Since her pediatric opthamologist is all the way in Concord we have had to camp out for hours while they fix the one pair we have.  So, we saved up for a back-up pair that cost less than half of her primary glasses.  I would say she's stylin' in her new glasses.  They aren't quite a perfect fit, but she will grow into them and I think she looks like a little engineer, which suits her personality.  I could not love her any more.  What a doll!

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