Thursday, October 14, 2010

I married my best friend.

Renewing our vows at Nubble Light House (July 2010) - where Tim proposed in April 2005
Tim and I took a drive with Stella today - Day 4 of the Carpenter Family STAY-cation 2010.  We chose a bunch of lazy roads through Strafford, Barnstead, and New Durham to see the foliage.  Funny thing was, as we left our house we reflected on how the last time we took a similar drive we had a disagreement that lasted the entire car-ride.  Well, the same thing happened today as we drove the same route (I am beginning to think these roads are some sort of vortex into marital unease).  By the end of the ride, however, we had worked out our differences - or at least we'd come to some understanding of the other's point of view.  I am thankful to have a husband who will listen to me, put up with my verbal processing and often illogical sticking points, and usually have me laughing by the end of our "talks".  It also helps that Stella slept the entire time and that we stopped at Hannaford's on the way home to pick up Klondike Bars for dessert.  

The fam at Odiorne Point - October 2010

We have been asked to be the keynote speakers at our church's Marriage Retreat next month!  Tim is preparing the talks, another thing for which I am VERY grateful (he's an excellent speaker).  As we reflect on five years of marriage, we have so many wonderful memories and have learned many valuable lessons that we look forward to sharing in a few weeks.  This partnership is God's highest earthly demonstration of grace in my life.  May He see it fit that we would grow old together - I married my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him!

Honeymoon in Hawaii - July 2005

Tim's Kidney Crisis - 2007 (he's A-Okay now)

Visiting Tim's brother and family in France - December 2007/January 2008
Atop Mt. Blanc - a glacier!

Fall 2006 - Adams Point, Durham NH

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Jenny, I'm obsessed with your blog!! I'm like trying to do work and I think I clicked on it through facebook and I read pretty much the whole thing. I just love you and your family so much. You're so amazing and I'm so happy for you. Its so fun and heart-warming (if I can use such a cheesy phrase) to hear whats on your heart and your early experiences as a mom. I'm sure that Stella will cherish this one day!! I miss and love you!! Love that you had a STAY-cation too!! And I have to say I was a little bummed that the Sandwich fair wasn't full of sandwiches, but it sounded fun anyway! :)
