Monday, November 15, 2010

Bellies to Babies

Stella and I visited today with some friends at Phillips Exeter Academy - namely, Michelle and Kelly.  Michelle was my counterpart in Alumni/ae Affairs, the peanut butter to my jelly, if you will.  She helped keep me sane during my pregnancy because she was also pregnant - two and a half months ahead of me!  Michelle and I would laugh (and sometimes cry) together at the insensitive and unbelievable things people said to us.  My favorite story was when a certain male co-worker stopped on the stairs one day, looked up at me (at the time I was 9 mo. pregnant), and asked matter-of-factly, "Could you get any bigger?"  To which Tim later responded, "Could he get any more stupid?"  

Michelle's daughter, Kelly, was born in late January, Stella was born in early April.  Kelly is tiny, Stella is big.  Kelly has dark hair, Stella has light hair.  Kelly has brown eyes, Stella has blue eyes.  Kelly tans, Stella burns.  Besides their physical differences, though, they could be the same baby in personality - both are happy, smiley, good-sleepers, and generally GREAT babies.  I'm thankful to have friends who share in this adventure called parenthood!  

Michelle, days before Kelly's arrival.  Jenny, 30ish weeks pregnant.

Michelle and Kelly visited us just a few days after Stella was born!

Jenny/Stella (7.5 mo.), Michelle/Kelly (10 mo.)

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