List of Things I Did Today:
- Woke up at 5:45 to Stella crying
- Brought Stella into bed with me where we both fell asleep again for two more hours (Tim slept downstairs bc he had to get up SO early for work)
- Woke up again to Stella talking to herself happily and scratching my back to get my attention...adorable
- Laid in bed together for too long...just enjoying each other's company...bliss
- Rushed out of bed with too little time, ran around the house cleaning (company later), fed Stella and myself, got us both dressed, out the door to church
- Church - on time!
- Lunch with Abbey...yippee (thanks so much for the cupcakes, friend - they are all gone, and I DID share)
- Got Stella ready for bed
- Dinner with Chris and Stacy
- Blog Post
- RELAXed!
I made the blog! I'm FAMOUS!! Was so good to see you :)