Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Everyone needs a hero.

Laura standing by my car (note the rising tide) BEFORE our walk.

My car was almost swept away by the tide today.  Okay, I exaggerate, but the tide did rise much more than expected in the time it took for me and Stella to take a walk around Durham with Laura - a dear friend and former student from my InterVarsity days.  Thankfully, Laura was there to rescue us.  Everyone needs a hero, or a heroine as the case may be.  Laura is more than a heroine - she makes me think.  She thinks a lot and reads and lot and encourages me to do the same...I'm grateful for honest and lasting relationships like this one; people like Laura remind me that my days in ministry with InterVarsity were well-spent.  Plus, it's great to have friends who will wade into freezing cold water to fetch a car that's about to be swept away by the tide...who doesn't need that kind of a friend?

Laura's reaction when we returned to find our cars sitting in the water.

She got right to work...saving the damsels in distress from wading into the water.

"You have no idea how cold this water is!!"

Thank you, Laura!  From, Stella and Jenny.

1 comment:

  1. :-)

    i love these pictures so very much. what a lovely afternoon. thanks for your wisdom and for letting me hold your wonderful wee little person all afternoon - goodness me, what a WONDERFUL little person. fave moment: mesmerized stella limp in my arms, gawking at the ceiling fans... :-)

    i'll keep you updated on cap! but ... i think that i may have found the answer!
